
According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, one in Americans will develop skin cancer before they are 70 years old; thankfully, remedies can restore their wellness somewhat. To keep skin cancer from progressing into a worse state, be sure to examine your skin for indications and warning signs.

While there are other warning signs, these five are the most common symptoms that cause people to seek a doctor’s care.

Moles on Your Skin

The very first sign of most skin cancer is typically an abnormal lesion known as a mole. By checking your moles every month using the ABCDE method, you have a good chance of detection.

  • Asymmetry—One half of your mole is not like the other half.
  • Border—The mole has poorly defined or irregular borders.
  • Color—The color varies from one area to another.
  • Diameter—Melanomas are usually greater than the size of a pencil eraser.
  • Evolving—The mole is changing in size, shape, or color.

If you notice any of these issues with your moles, Contact Dermassociates.

Itchy, Reddish Patches

From time to time, we all get rashes. It could be poison ivy, poison oak, contact dermatitis, or even sensitive skin, but a rash isn’t always an indication of cancer. But if you see pimples with reddened, raised, or bumpy skin that won’t go away, this can be a sign of basal cell carcinomas.

Lumps and Bumps

A firm, pink, red, or purple lump or bump on your skin could be an indicator of Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC). MCC can start anywhere on the body, and Merkel cell tumors often look like a firm, pink, red, or purple lump or bump on the skin. They usually don’t hurt, but they can change to ulcers or sores. Merkel cell carcinoma is a rare type of cancer. It’s more common in men than in women, and it usually occurs in people over the age of 50.


Scars that may be raised or flat, horizontally or vertically, that develop on the face or arms may be early indicators of Kaposi Sarcoma (Kaposi’s sarcoma). They initially appear as slightly raised bumps, but they generally do not itch and do not cause pain. As a result, many people try to avoid seeking treatment for these lesions. However, when left untreated, the lesions can grow and spread causing serious disfigurement. Considering what we know about the importance of catching skin cancer early if what we’ve described here sounds familiar, be sure to make an appointment to be seen by a dermatologist at your earliest convenience.

Any Unexpected Changes

If you run in to discolorations, swelling, or new growths, they could be warnings that you may be at a higher risk of acquiring skin cancer. As most skin cancers don’t cause obvious symptoms, neglecting to get checked for cancer can transpire for as long a period of time. Don’t forget that.

Dermassociates Skin Cancer Treatment

At Dermassociates, we can diagnose your skin condition, and if it is cancerous we off SRT skin cancer treatment at our Belleville, Illinois office.
